The Allen Township Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Northampton, Pennsylvania

Route 329 from Bath just past Tanglewood Road (approx. 3 miles). It’s on the right behind the God’s Missionary Church (about 200 yards). This is one of the oldest graveyards in Northampton Co. It is also called Horner’s Cemetery in honor of Jane Kerr, wife of James Horner, who suffered death at the hands of the Indians, Oct. 8 1763, age 50.

The cemetery is part of Craig’s Scotch-Irish Settlement, the first permanent settlement of Northampton County, PA founded in 1728. That was 13 years before the Moravians.

The official name of the cemetery “The Allen Township Presbyterian Church Cemetery”. Since the township’s border was changed, the cemetery now resides in East Allen Township. The local people call it Horner’s Cemetery, in
memory of Jane Horner who was killed by the Indians.

These settlers founded the first congregation in 1730, and the first church called “The Presbyterian Church of Allen Township, PA. in 1731.”

The cemetery holds the remains of the founders of our area, including 3 generals, 7 attorneys, 4 doctors, 3 ministers, and at least 21 already documented veterans from 4 wars.

Brown, Samuel, d. 11 June, 1798, aged 84 years
Jane, his wife, d. 25 Mar.,1812, aged 91 years,8 months,28 days
John, d. 2 June, 1798; age 38 years
Robert, (next page)

BROWN, Robert,
as written:
memory of General
a Patriot and Soldier of the
Revolution, who departed
this life, the 26th of February
aged seventy-eight years and
two months

CLYD, Michael, d. 7 May, 1794: aged 84 years
Bidy, d. 15 Dec., 1786: aged 66 years
James, d. 3 Nov. 1827: aged 78 years
children: Rebecca (m. Arthur Mulhollon), Jane
(m. James Kennedy), Nancy (m. John Boyd)
Elisabeth, his wife, d. 15 June, 1829: aged 81 years
John, d. 4 Jan. 1826: aged 80 years, 9 months
1st wife, Elizabeth: 2nd wife, Mary
children: James, Elisabeth (Hudders), Sarah
(m. John Mc Kissick), Margaret (m. William Barber)
Gr.-ch. Joseph (son of James, Clyd and Anna (daughter
of Elisabeth) Hudders
Elizabeth, his wife, d. 15 April, 1794

CLENDENEN, John, d. 7 July, 1778
Jane, his wife, d. 6 July, 1775
Adam, d. 17 June, 1817; age 78 years
children: James, William, Adam, Robert, Thomas, Margaret,
Jane (m. Andrew Haflett), Hetty (m. James Horner had
Henrietta, Maria and Elisabeth Horner.).
Esther, his wife, d. 11 May, 1816; aged 61 years,7 m. 5 d.

wife of Thomas Craig, Esq. b. 1779,: 75 years

EPPLY, Maria-Barbara, wife of Henry, d. 1824: aged 69 years

GREGG, Robert, d. 9 Mar. 1756: aged 40 years
children: Robert, Margaret, et al. Cousin John Gregg of
Middletown, Bucks
Margaret, his wife, d. 24 April 1800: aged 97 years

EPPLY, Maria-Barbara, wife of Henry, d. 1824; age 69 years

GREGG, Robert, d. 9 Mar. 1756; age 40 years
children: Margaret, et al. Cousin John Gregg of
Middletown, Bucks co.
Margaret, his wife, d. 24 Apr. 1800; age 97 years

HALL, William, b. 26 Feb 1758, d. 20 Jan. 1813
Sister, Esther wife of Adam Clendenin

HAYS, Barbara, d. 11 Aug, 1770: aged 30 years
Jane, wife of John, d. 15 Dec. 1825: aged 78 years

HEMPHILL, Moses, Esq, d. 16 Feb. 1822: 75 years, 3 months
children: James, Mary, Jane, Agnes (m. Thomas Wilson)
Joseph, Elizabeth (m. James Kerr), Margaret (m. Fred.
Agnes, his wife, d. 2 April 1817: aged 66 years, 2 m. 16 days

HERRON, Thomas, d. 4 Oct. 1772; age 63 years

HORNER, Thomas, d. 27 Nov. 1793: aged 76 years
Ensign, 1776
Jane, his wife, d. 9 Sept. 1835: aged 74 years

In Memory of
Jane, the Wife of
James Horner
Who suffered death by the hand
of Savage Indians
Oct. 8th, 1763
age: 50 years
Jane Horner was killed by the Indians on the day, and near the place
of, the Stenton massacre in Allen twp. 8, Oct. 1763

HORNER, Joseph, d. 2 May, 1835: ageed 95 years
children: James, Joseph, Janny, Margaret, Jos. Clyd
Sarah, his wife, d. 28 May, 1820: aged 76 years
James, d. 27 June, 1848: aged 78 years, 3 months
Jane, d. 10 Nov. 1859: aged 87 years
Hugh, d. 15 April, 1806: aged 63 years
Elisabeth, his wife, d. 22 Dc. 1835: aged 87 years
children: Robert, William (Justice, 1787) Hugh, James
Gr.-ch: Samuel and Hugh Abnernathy; Henrietta, Elizabeth
and Maria(children of James Horner)

HORNER, James, d. 1 May, 1793: aged 82 years
children: Thomas (Ensign, 1776), Hugh, John, James
Jenny, Mary, Sarah (m. Wm. McNair)

KERR, James, d. 23 Mar. 1827: aged 83 years, 10 months
children: Joseph, James, John, Nathan,
Mary (Steward) had Jane, Mary-Isabel and Robert)
Jane, his wife, d. 17 Mar. 1836: aged 83 years
Joseph, d. 23 July, 1833: aged 59 years
Magdalena, his wife, daughter of Christian and Susan
Hagenbuch, d. 15 Nov. 1824: aged 48 years

KING, James, d. April 30, aged: 38 years
(One of the oldest stones in the valley)

KING, Mary, d. 9 Jan. 1790: aged 78 years

LATTIMORE, James, b. 19 June, 1688
Gen. William, d. 11 Nov. 1833: aged 70 years
Mary, b. in Ireland; d. 1780: age 65 years
Arthur, b. in Ireland 1710, d. 1777
Com. of Safety, 1776, County Sub-Lieutenant, 1777

MC HENRY, Dr. Matthew, d. 11 Nov. 1783: aged 40 years
Surgeon on ship “Montgomery, 1776”
Margaret, his wife, d. 17 Mar. 1796: age 43 years
Ann, d. 18 Oct. 1818: age 41 years
Elisabeth, d. 8 June, 1831: aged 57 years

MC NAIR, Margaret, wife of William (Justice, 1777)
d. 20 July, 1783: aged 49 years
John, Sr. d. April 5, 1762: aged 72 years
Christina, his wife, d. 27 Jan. 1782: aged 82 years
children: William, Jno, Ann; Sarah and
Christian Wilfon

MC NEILL, Mary, wife of Samuel
d. 17 July, 1810, 55 years

MOFFET, William, d. 25 Dec. 1831: aged 86 years
(87) Mary, his wife, d. 26 Oct. 1829, 83 years

NELIGH, Col. Nicholas, b. 1768, d. 15 June, 1816

OLIPHANT, sUSAN, wife of William, b. 1740, d. 11 Mar. 1778

PALMER, John, Esq., d. 14 June, 1813: age 35 years

PERRY, Joseph, d. 26 June, 1766: aged 55 years

RALSTON, James, EFQ, d. 20 Jan. 1836: aged 69 years
Lettice, d. 30 Sept. 1847: aged 67 years, 6 m.
Samuel, Jr. d. 11 Jan. 1795: age 24 years
Samuel, d. 13 Oct. 1785, age 55 years
Sarah, wife of Samuel, d. 27 Feb. 1784: aged 41 years
James, d. 26 July, 1775: aged 76 years
Mary, his wife, d. 26 July, 1774: aged 74 years
John, d. 17 Feb. 1795: aged 60 years
Paymaster, 1781, Wife Christina: children James, John, Mary
Lettice, Ann, Jean, Christina, Robert, Samuel. One of the
daughters married Wm. Lattimore



RUSSEL, Rev. Robert A.M.
d. 16 Dec. 1827, aged 70 years
Susan, his wife, d. 10 May, 1862: aged 64 years

WALKER, John, d. 7 June, 1777, aged: 61 years
Mary, wife of John, Jr. d. 15, June, 1793: aged 33 years
Robert, d. Feb. 1758: aged 58 years
Mary-Ann, d. 14 April, 1773: aged 56 years

ROSBRUGH, Jane as written:

In memory of
Mrs. Jane Rosbrugh
who departed this life
March 27th, 1809; age 70 years
formerly Pastor of this Congregation
who fell a victim to British cruelty
at Trenton, Jan. 22, 1777
(My flesh shall slumber in the ground
Till the last trumpets joyful sound

John Rosbrugh (Chaplain, 1776) had 5 children

WILSON, John, d. 1 Jan. 1857:aged 91 years
Ann, d. 8 Jan., 1851: aged 79 years
Charles, son of Hugh, d. 20 Aug. 1768: aged 42 years
Margaret, his wife, d. 25 Nov. 1823: aged 95 years
Sally, daughter of Charles, d. Dec. 1778: 21 years
Hugh, d. 30 Nov. 1830: 69 years
Sisters: Sarah Mulhollen (issue), Abrigail Tool (issue) Elisabeth
Winters (issue)
Elizabeth, his wife
Abraham, d. 30 Apr. 1840: aged 74 years, 9 m. 17 days

In Memory of
Who was born in Ireland
in the year of our Lord
and departed this life
in the autumn of
Aged 84 years

YOUNG, Robert, d. 21 March, 1813; 91 years

Source: The Old Grave-Yards of Northampton and Adjacent Counties, by John Eyerman, F.Z.S., F.G.S.A. – June 1899

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