Water Works United Methodist Church Cemetery, North Annville
Water Works United Methodist Church Cemetery, North Annville Read More »
On April 28th, 1898, pursuant to General Orders No 7, Adjutant General’s Office, the Fourth Regiment Infantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania, reported at Mount Gretna, Lebanon county, Pa., for the purpose of volunteering in the service of the United States in the War with Spain. On May 9th, Company B was Mustered In to the United Stares service, being the first company of infantry mustered from Pennsylvania. Companies A and D were mustered the same date. The remaining companies, C, E, F, G and H, were Mustered in during the morning of May 10th, the entire eight companies making 24
The lists of warrantees of land in the several counties of the Commonwealth are copied from the original record books in the Land Office of the Department of Internal Affairs. Only the names of the warrantees with number of acres and dates of warrant are given. They will serve however as a valuable guide to all desiring information from that Department.
Warrantees of land in the several counties of the state of Pennsylvania Read More »