Flatiron Hill, Pennsylvania

How did Flatiron Hill in Pennsylvania get it’s name? This page provides a brief history about Flatiron Hill in Pennsylvania, the people who settled on it, and the industry rising around it.

A steep declivity rising from the banks of a beautiful but nameless stream, between Pebble Hill and Bridge Valley and just southeast of Bennetts Corner. It is partly in Doylestown and partly in Buckingham Townships. The road from Pebble Hill to Bridge Valley formerly ran in a straight line over the hill, but due to the steep grade its course was changed to the west side. It is still spoken of as “a wicked curved hill road.” Frank K. Swain, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, says the early name of the hill was Crawfords Hill. The name Flatiron was probably due to the shape of the hill resembling that of the domestic utensil. Magnificent views in all directions are obtained from its summit.


MacReynolds, George. Place Names in Bucks County Pennsylvania, 2nd Edition. Doylestown, PA: The Bucks County Historical Society, 1955.

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