Flushing, Pennsylvania

How did Flushing, Pennsylvania get it’s name? This page provides a brief history about the naming of Flushing, Pennsylvania, the people who settled it, and the industry rising within it.

A small but very old settlement in Bensalem Township on Neshaminy Creek at the head of tidewater. It is on the Newportville Road, about three-fourths of a mile below Newportville, which is located on the opposite bank of the creek. Hugh B. Eastburn. Esq., Bristol, Pennsylvnia, a member of the Rodman family, says “Flushing, Bensalem Township, is supposed to have been named by the Rodmans, who emigrated from Flushing, England or Holland, to Flushing, Barbadoes, to Flushing, Rhode Island, to Bensalem.” The Rodmans owned extensive tracts of real estate in Bensalem. Joseph E. Sanford, Brooklyn, New York, says Flushing was “so named by Dr. John Rodman in 1715.” Hershey’s Directory of Bucks County notes the fact that in 1870 the village had a population of fifty, “employed principally in the extensive steam lumber mill and coal yard of Boileau & Tyson.”


MacReynolds, George. Place Names in Bucks County Pennsylvania, 2nd Edition. Doylestown, PA: The Bucks County Historical Society, 1955.

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