Danboro, Pennsylvania

How did Danboro, Pennsylvania get it’s name? This page provides a brief history about the naming of Danboro, Pennsylvania, the people who settled it, and the industry rising within it.

Village in southwestern Plumstead Township, where the old Ferry Road crosses Dyers Road (Route 611). Its early name prior to and during the Revolution was Clover Hill, so called, it is claimed, because the soil on surrounding farms was peculiarly adapted to growing red clover. The name Danville was given to the place by Daniel (“Dan”) Thomas, popular early settler, who was chosen Coroner of the county 1794-95 and Sheriff for two terms 1797-1799 and 18091811. The Danville Inn was an old stage line stop. Samuel Nicholas, owner of a stage line, was its landlord for many years. The Nicholas graveyard on Ferry Road near Danboro was named for him. Later the inn was known as the Sign of the Golden Fleece. In 1833 its landlord was Joseph Kaisinger, a sportsman and presumably a devotee of fox hunting, as indicated by the following poetical advertisement in Doylestown Democrat of December 3, 1833:

As Reynard with his red back and black legs is determined not to stay in the cellar much longer, he takes the following method to let people know when he will start from the hereinafter mentioned place, now in the tenure of Joseph Kaisinger.

Ye sportsmen all attend, I pray,
To these few lines I write,
While I to you appoint the day
To leave you out of sight.

I’m taken from my native place,
Which I with tears remember;
And I expect to give the chase
On the seventh of December.

Fair play, then, is all I ask,
And that you’ll surely show-
Then I shall have an easy task
To reach Mount Pokono.

I wish that you may all attend
On the appointed day,
That’s any wish to see a friend
Before he goes away.

My starting place, I’d have you know,
And to remember well,-
It’s from the town of Danboro’,
The Golden Fleece Hotel.

So on that day, if I’ve a chance,
I intend to let you know
That I on homewards will advance,
For I can “jump Jim Crow.”

Ain’t I the Cunning Fox?

Danboro’, Dec.
2d, 1833.

The Golden Fleece Hotel became the Golden Lamb Hotel when Stephen K. Price took charge as boniface in the spring of 1837. The following appeared in the advertising columns of county newspapers over the date of Danborough, May 2, 1837:


The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has removed to the GOLDEN LAMB HOTEL, in the village of Danborough, formerly occupied by Thomas S. Paist, on the Philadelphia and Easton Stage Road, three miles above Doylestown.


The change of name from Danville to Danborough took place about 1834, thirty-six years before the post office was established May 17, 1870, with Cornelius Sellers as postmaster. The name was later shortened to Danboro.


MacReynolds, George. Place Names in Bucks County Pennsylvania, 2nd Edition. Doylestown, PA: The Bucks County Historical Society, 1955.

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