Albrights Corner, Pennsylvania

How did Albrights Corner, Pennsylvania get it’s name? This page provides a brief history about the naming of Albrights Corner, Pennsylvania.

A hamlet of five or six scattered houses on the old Bethlehem Road in Hilltown Township, about two miles northeast of Mount Pleasant and at the summit of the high ridge that crosses the township. The place was named for Daniel Albright, a man of fine character, notable in the history of Hilltown and ancestor of the numerous family of that name. The original family name was Albrecht. Daniel emigrated from Germany to America, landing in Philadelphia January 6, 1791, and after spending some time in Tinicum Township, Delaware County, Pa., came to Hilltown in 1830. Thomas Shewell, of New Britain, had owned a very old house and six acres of land at Albrights Corner, which he sold in 1788 to Thomas Mathias, who opened a store there after remodeling the house. This old store property eventually (in 1852) came into the hands of Daniel’s son, Henry Albright, an influential business man, who also held the office of Justice of the Peace.. The store was discontinued over fifty years ago and with it departed much of the activity of the Corner. One of the prominent descendants of Daniel Albright was Lieutenant Charles A. Cuffel (Independent Battery D, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, in the Civil War). After the war Lieutenant Cuffel was Deputy Recorder of Deeds, for several terms commander of General Robert L. Bodine Post, No. 3o6, G. A. R., and a well known newspaper man in Doylestown. He wrote a history of his battery, an interesting illustrated volume of 265 pages, published in 1900, called History of Durell’s Battery in the Civil War (Independent Battery D. Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery.) On quite recent maps Albrights Corner is marked Louxs Corner.


MacReynolds, George. Place Names in Bucks County Pennsylvania, 2nd Edition. Doylestown, PA: The Bucks County Historical Society, 1955.

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