Aquetong, Pennsylvania

How did Aquetong, Pennsylvania get it’s name? This page provides a brief history about the naming of Aquetong, Pennsylvania, the people who settled it, and the industry rising within it.

Village near central western Solebury Township on the York Road (Route 202) nearly midway between Lahaska and Aquetong Spring. It formerly had a post office, probably established March 31, 1884, with William H. Robinson as postmaster. The date of its discontinuance is not definitely known, but it must have been after 1914. Mail is now received by New Hope rural delivery. The village’s first name, as far back as Revolutionary times, was Paxsons Corner, so called from the Paxson family. The change to Aquetong no doubt took place when it became a post office. Mrs. William R. Nichols states the old stone wall of the village bridge contained a white marble slab marked “Paxsons Bridge.” “Rolling Green,” the fine Colonial mansion on the western side of York Road, has continued in possession of the Paxson family from the time it was built in 1748 until the present day. Benjamin Paxson, a courtly Quaker, staunchly affiliated with the patriots’ cause, was its owner during the Revolution. He was host to officers and soldiers of the Continental army upon several occasions. While General Washington with his main army was encamped at Doylestown, June 2o, 1778, on the march from Valley Forge to Monmouth, General Charles Lee’s advance division, comprising six brigades, bivouacked the same night in a field across the road from “Rolling Green.” A soldier, who was taken ill and died there after the army had moved on, was buried on the Paxson property. The village in 1872, says Hershey’s Directory of Bucks County, had a store, several shops and about sixteen dwellings.


MacReynolds, George. Place Names in Bucks County Pennsylvania, 2nd Edition. Doylestown, PA: The Bucks County Historical Society, 1955.

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