Pennsylvania Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Pennsylvania ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Pennsylvania history.
The search on the right side will search all of the Pennsylvania Genealogy website but will not search the data linked to from our offsite data pages.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Records
The Zion Evangelical Lutheran is found in Old Zionsville, Upper Milford Twp, Lehigh County, PA. This series of records includes the burial records of the church as copied from the official church records.
- Burial Records of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, 1758-1902
- Burial Records of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, 1900-1921
- Burial Records of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, 1921-1948
- Burial Records of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, 1949-1976
Genealogy by County
- Allegheny County Pennsylvania Genealogy
- Bucks County Pennsylvania Genealogy
- Chester County Pennsylvania Genealogy
Genealogy by Topic
- Ancestry Articles, Databases and Products
- Pennsylvania Archives and Libraries
- Pennsylvania Cemetery Records
- Pennsylvania Census Records
- Pennsylvania Historical and Genealogical Societies
- Pennsylvania Immigration
- Pennsylvania Land and Maps
- Pennsylvania Military Records
- Pennsylvania Obituaries
- Pennsylvania Vital Records
New Pennsylvania Genealogy
Lower Makefield Township, Pennsylvania
Lower Black Eddy, Pennsylvania
Little Buckingham Mountain in Pennsylvania
Line Lexington, Pennsylvania
Limeport, Pennsylvania
Little Neshaminy Creek in Pennsylvania
Genealogy in Neighboring States
The following states neighbor Pennsylvania and are not part of the Great Lakes Genealogy below.